Metasysteme Coaching presents: DIAGNOSTIC INDIVIDUAL SI DE ECHIPA cu Alain Cardon MCC

BUCURESTI - 11 noiembrie 2009

Comunicat tip General in Afaceri


Bucharest Marriott, November 19 and 20, 2009

- Are you manipulated to become ineffective by your own executive team culture? What are some easy remedies?

- What are entrepreneur strengths and what makes them succeed where other managers are left far behind? What are an entrepreneur’s blind spots?

- How can you rapidly and accurately evaluate your own organization’s culture and define a practical strategy for it’s short-term survival and long-term development that will succeed?

- What type of leader do you think you really are, and how are you adapting, or not, to the current crisis situation?

- What is the type of organizational culture for which your employees really yearn, for which they will really fight, to which they will really commit on the long term?

In this very practical training program, the participants will acquire a number of powerful diagnostic tools and strategies applicable to individual, team and organizational contexts.
One particular diagnostic tool will allow participants to evaluate their own leadership profile and decide on their own areas for development so as to move from “good” to “outstanding” whatever their individual field of activity or position in the organization.
For entrepreneurs and leaders, expect a particular focus on different steps in building a highly performing organization and gearing it for success.

8:30 Welcome Coffee
9:00-10:30Introduction of participants, introduction to the program,
10:50-12:30Experimenting a first individual and team diagnostic tool.
14;00-16:00Leadership profile debrief, team profile debrief
16:30-18:00 Individual coaching between participants

9:00-10:30Team culture indicators and strategies for change
10:50-12:30Personality profiles for leaders, entrepreneurs, etc. strengths and pitfalls.
14;00-16:00Organization culture indicators, strengths and weaknesses.
16:30-18:00 Strategies for change as leaders, back at the office.

Despre Metasysteme Coaching

Despre Alain Cardon, Master Certified Coach
Coach, trainer si consultant international, Alain Cardon este autor si co-autor a peste zece lucrari despre Analiza Tranzactionala, Abordarea sistemica, Formare si Pedagogie, Comunicare si Management, Meseria de Coach individual, de echipa si de organizatie.
Alain Cardon este conferentiar in domeniul coaching-ului si al managementului, in cadruL Asociatiei pentru Progresul Managementului (APM), al Asociatiei Europene de Analiza Tranzactionala si al International Coach Federation de la Sitgès (Spania), al Societatii Franceze de Coaching din Paris si din Lyon.

Activitatea sa de coach si de consultant se desfasoara pe plan international si include indrumarea companiilor in profunzime, pe o durata medie cuprinsa intre doi si patru ani, cu ajutorul altor coach-i recunoscuti de International Coach Federation sau de Societatea Franceza de Coaching.

Din 1980, Alain Cardon activeaza ca formator de formatori si, ulterior, ca formator de consultanti si formator de coach-i, mai intai la Transformation Consultants, in cadrul Transformation Ecole (devenita azi Mozaik International) si, in prezent, in cadrul programului METACOACH initiat de Métasystème.
Date contact: Gabriela Mazilu;
mail: gabi.mazilu at;
