SC Naturplast X SRL

Descrierea companiei SC Naturplast X SRL

Bibliografie in tema:
JAKUBOWICZ Ignacy. \'Effects of artificial and natural ageing on impact modified polyvinyl
chloride (PVC)\'. Polymer Testing, vol. 20 no. 5 (2001), p. 545-551
JAKUBOWICZ Ignacy, \'Evaluation of degradability of biodegradable polyethylene (PE)\', Polymer Degradation and Stability, 80/1, (2003) p. 39-43
JAKUBOWICZ Ignacy, \'Research, standardisation and practice in accelerated ageing tests\',
Polymery, 2004, 49, nr. 5, p. 11-16
JAKUBOWICZ Ignacy, \'Evaluation of the rate of abiotic degradation of biodegradable polyethylene in various environments\', Polymer Degradation and Stability, (2005) p.1-7

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