Leonardo da Vinci Pilot Project no.20064-607/001-001 LE2-707EQF “Developing Key Methodological Units for the Implementation of the European Qualifications Framework by Means of the National Qualifications Frameworks” - EQF by NQF

BUCURESTI - 24 decembrie 2008

Comunicat tip General in Educatie / Cultura

The EU policy documents and recent developments in the field of education and training have induced the need for a system-based and coherent manner in approaching the issue of National Qualifications Frameworks (NQFs), in the sense of developing an overarching European Qualifications Framework (EQF). At the present moment, the development of the EQF and subsequent NQFs represents one of the strategic priorities on EU’s agenda, being part of the policy-making process in many countries. The interest in the EQF is justified by the need for increased transparency and facilitated comparability, as well as by the opportunity it offers to individuals to develop learning and career paths and to assess the value of their qualifications and competences in an internationalised labour market.

The Leonardo da Vinci Pilot Project no.20064-607/001-001 LE2-707EQF “Developing Key Methodological Units for the Implementation of the European Qualifications Framework by Means of the National Qualifications Frameworks” - EQF by NQFs - is part of the recent, dynamic process that aims at developing complex European networks among all individual stakeholders (ministries, qualifications authorities, educational institutions, sectoral committees, professional associations, trade unions, employers’ associations, etc.) involved in designing transparent national qualifications frameworks that will enable the transfer of qualifications and competences among countries. The project is coordinated by the National Agency for Qualifications in Higher Education and Partnership with the Economic and Social Environment (ACPART), in partnership with the University of Zaragoza (Spain), the University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (France), Higher Education and Training Awards Council – HETAC (Ireland), EVD-Bureau CROSS (The Netherlands), The Association for Information Technology and Communication from Romania – ATIC (Romania), the Ministry of Education and Research (Romania) and National Recognition Information Centre for the United Kingdom – UK NARIC (United Kingdom). In conceiving, validating and valorizing of the project outcomes, the project benefits from the support of 18 silent partners.

The general objectives of the project consist of developing and testing tools for identifying competences and establishing methodological guidelines for ensuring transparency in the process of implementing the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) by means of the National Qualifications Frameworks (NQFs) and exchanging experience through the development of partnerships among European, national, regional and sectoral organizations.

The main activities of this project are based on seminars, workshops, analysis, comparative studies and case studies.

The project duration is 24 months (January 1st, 2007 – December 31st, 2008).

Despre APART

For more information about the project visit the website: http://www.eqfbynqfs.eu

If you are interested in the project do not hesitate to contact us:
Ms. Margareta IVAN
Deputy National Coordinator of the Project

E-mail: margareta.ivan@acpart.ro

1, Schitu Magureanu Blvd., 3rd floor,
District 5, Bucharest

Permalink: https://www.comunicatedepresa.ro/apart/leonardo-da-vinci-pilot-project-no-20064-607001-001-le2-707eqf-developing-key-methodological-units-for-the-implementation-of-the-european-qualifications-framework-by-means-of-the-national-qualifications-frameworks-eqf-by-nqf