Vorbitori la Conferinta Internationala Logos Universality Mentality Eductaion Novelty Education 2013
Locul desfasurarii: Romania, http://conferinta.info/
Organizator: Asociatia Lumen
Sana LOUE is a Professor and Director in the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics and the Director of the Center for Minority Public Health of the School of Medicine of Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio. She has secondary appointments in the Departments of Bioethics, Psychiatry, and Global Health. Dr. Loue holds graduate degrees in law (J.D.), epidemiology (Ph.D.), medical anthropology (Ph.D.), social work (M.S.S.A.), and secondary education (M.A.). She is also ordained as an interfai
Dr. Peter Kiriakidis, Ph.D- is Professor of Research Methods & Information Systems – SMC, Assistant Professor – Touro University, California, assistant Professor – Aspen University, Colorado, adjunct Faculty – Queen’s University, Ontario, Canada and adjunct Faculty – Trent University, Ontario, Canada. Peter Kuiriakidis main academic interests are the relationship between information and communications technology, theories of learning and development, globalization and education, educational policy, student
Arthur Philip DAVIES
Member of Education Business Partnership for Entrepreneurship Education Development. He is author of scientific paper in the management area: The System of Local Management of Schools in the UK – Achieving an Optimal Balance of Centralization and Decentralization in Education, New Forms of Management and Governance in the School System in England and Wales published in Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty Section: Social Sciences and Postmodern Openings Journal .
Stefan Cojocaru is Associate Professor PhD at Faculty of Philosophy and Social and Political Sciences within “Al. I. Cuza” University from Iasi and Director of Holt Romania, Iasi branch FCSSCF. The professional experience of Stefan Cojocaru is characterized by various scientific activities recognized nationally and internationally. He is Chief Editor and founder of the first review inRomaniaindexed ISI Thomson in Social Sciences Citation Index, in the field of Sociology and Social Work, which has an impact
Teodora MANEA
She is associate researcher within University of Exeter, United Kingdom and she activates as ethic expert within European Commission She followed postdoctoral research at University of Tuebingen, University of Konstanz, Germany, University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Gr.T. Popa” Iasi, Romania. She is specialist on ethics, ontology and philosophy of science. After she completed her PhD she worked as a lecturer of Philosophy at the chair in “History of philosophy and hermeneutics”. Her main fields of inte