'Interface to Romanian reality” training program - unique opportunity for foreign staff and companies
BUCURESTI - 31 mai 2006
Comunicat tip General in Afaceri
BluAD Consulting is now creating a unique opportunity for foreign staff and companies living in Romania.
'Interface to Romanian reality” training program will contribute to the foreign staff and companies development within the Romanian environment. Getting acquainted with the local identities will enhance their capacity of coping with our society, economy and legal systems.
We offer a complete package of interactive and participatory training sessions especially designed for foreign people who act on the Romanian business market.
Session 1 will be taking place in three different locations covering all the Historical Regions of Romania:
Module 1, Romania: Mixed Emotions, taking place at Agapia, between 19 –23.06.2006, brings an inside, alive and sincere view about Romania. An useful frame of the essential co-ordinates of the country: geopolitical, historical, social, cultural, political and daily life.
Module 2, Breaking Through The Romanian Legal System, taking place at Moeciu, between 05 – 07.07.2006, has been designed to guide the trainees within the Romanian law system. One’s performance can be measured only by his level of knowledge of the laws governing his field of activity, as an individual and member of an organization.
Module 3: Romania Economic Appraisal, taking place at Sighisoara, between 19 – 22.07.2006, provides
the essential elements for the understanding of doing business in Romania: a brief view of the economical past, an assessment of the present and some main axes concerning the future development.
Deadline for applications: 6’th of June 2006
Despre BluAD Consulting
For additional information, please contact:
Claudia DAVID
Account Executive - BluAD Consulting
Tel//fax: + (40) 21. 745.54.74
Mobile: + (40) 747.488.647
Email: claudia.david@bluad.ro
Pagina contact: Contact BLUAD CONSULTING