CEU Business school, MBA Master Class: 'Changing the way we Change' & 'Easing The Crunch?'
BUCURESTI - 25 mai 2009
Comunicat tip General in Educatie / Cultura
Visit us on Friday, May 29 to hear two of our top professors speak about current topics in business. Adrian Stanciu will talk about Changing the way we Change and Stuart Durrant will speak about 'Easing The Crunch?''.

CEU Business School cordially invites you to its MBA Master Class
Date: May 29, 2009 from 18:30
Location: Camera de Comert si Industrie a Romaniei,
Sala Transilvania, 6th Floor
We believe that in the ongoing economic crisis our new, trans-national concept in business education has proved to be relevant. Find out more about the drivers and barriers to business growth in today’s volatile markets and take a step further to learn about the social, political, environmental and ethical aspects of business. Join us and experience how we deliver our US-accredited graduate degrees!
18:30-19:00 Opening Presentation by Oliver Olson, Country Manager, Romania
19 : 0 0 -19 :45 ’Easing the Crunch?’: A Review of Measures Aimed at Resolving the Global Financial Crisis by Stuart Durrant, Senior Lecturer of Real Estate Management
19 : 45-2 0 : 30 ’Changing the Way We Change”: Turning change into a way of life by Adrian Stanciu, Adjunct Senior Lecturer of Management
20:30 - Networking
Free event
Despre CEU Business School
CEU Business School is present in Romania since 2006. In March 2009 CEU Busineness School was Ranked no.1 in Romania, after a survey made by Ziarul Financiar & Profesii Supliment
For further information please contact Ms. Andreea Pana at +40 21 310 1248 or panaa@ceubusiness.org
Pagina contact: Contact CEU BUSINESS SCHOOL