Master Class in Facilitation & Consultancy with Prof. David Simmonds, 1-2 July, 9.30-17.30 Bucharest
BUCURESTI - 21 iunie 2011
Comunicat tip General in Afaceri, Educatie / Cultura
The first difficulty in explaining facilitation is that the words ”facilitate/facilitator” are used in so many different contexts.
For example, the word ”facilitate” is used in anti-terrorism reports: "…an entity that has as one of its purposes or activities to facilitate or carry out any terrorist activity…"
Prof. David Simmonds
Practitioners need to be conscious of their own background and the influence this has on their practice.
In Romania, facilitation is becoming a more required management skill, this is why we have considered to dedicate it an entirely Master Class:
- Facilitating is about "process" not "content"
- Facilitation as a management style
- The consultant and facilitator
- The focus and approach - point of engagement of the coach and facilitator
- What is right for the client?
- Art, science and skill of facilitation
- Introduce the 8-steps CONSULTS model:
C - Contact your client
O - Open the relationship [gaining entry]
N - Now agree a contract
S - Style - choose what is appropriate
U - Understand the issues
L - Look for solutions
T - Turn ideas into action
S - Say good bye [disengage]
- How to set your consultancy fee?
Participants will have the opportunity to ask their questions in advance to Prof. David Simmonds, our expert in Knowledge Management and Facilitation.
Prof. Simmonds has worked with a wide variety of people throughout the UK, and on 5 continents, and his personal faith and ethical framework combine to give him an inclusive outlook of diversity, rather than a restrictive approach towards equality.
Interested to join? Fill in the form attached here - - or contact us at or 021 314 88 00.
Participation fee: 600 Euro (VAT included), to be payed in 4 monthly installments (before 30th June, 30th July, 30th August, 30th September).
Oferta ITOL cuprinde calificări şi afiliere la un corp profesional internaţional, acreditări de programe de training, proiecte care permit asumarea de către practicienii din resurse umane, training, dezvoltare a unui rol activ în piața de formare.Pentru detalii suplimentare despre ITOL, puteţi accesa
Gabriela Solomon - Learning Manager
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