Workshop “The breakthrough processes for systemic team and organizational coaching”, 20-21 Sept 2012

BUCURESTI - 8 decembrie 2011

Comunicat tip General in Afaceri, Banci / Asigurari, HR

Certification: The International Coach Federation validatedtraining(ACSTH).

Two intensive days to acquire specific skills to better manage and coach executive teams as performance-focused collaborative and learning environments.

This advanced workshop is specifically tailored for leaders, project and network managers, team and organizational coaches and team building consultants.


Learn practical tools tailored to accompany individuals, teams and organizations design and implement success patterns to become performance benchmarks in their own fields.

Replace limiting personal and corporate self-confirming beliefs and behavior patterns concerning their achievements with others that can permit the full expression of their talents and potentials.

Acquire a management or coaching process to accompany individuals, teams and organizations to achieve extraordinary financial, sales, quality, safety, time to market, etc. results.

Revisit their current year personal or professional goals and expected outcomes in the fields and dimensions of their choice, and reevaluate them in the light of their full potentials.

Breakthrough processes are tools that allow for major shifts in team and organization paradigms and cultures. They help individuals and teams reconsider their frames of reference as to how to develop by 20% or more, yearly. Basic understanding of management and coaching is necessary, as this workshop will not cover the fundamentals of a management or coaching posture.

Participation fee : 660 €/person/2days of training + 24% VAT.

TO REGISTER  mail to Gabriela; 0733 988 678

Metasysteme Coaching este o companie de consultanta ce reuneste profesiunile de coach si de consultant strategic si sistemic. Metasysteme Coaching este axata pe transformarea si dezvoltarea performantei masurabile a conducatorului, liderului, echipei de conducere din intreprinderi. Toate programele de formare si pregatire oferite de Metasysteme Coaching sunt certificate ACSTH (Approved Coach Specific Training Hours) de International Coach Federation. Condusa de Alain Cardon, Metasysteme Coaching face parte dintr-o retea de profesionisti care, prin consiliere strategica sau prin coaching de lider si de echipa de conducere, sunt capabili sa indrume dezvoltarea intreprinderilor in Europa si in alte parti ale lumii.

Alain Cardon este Master Certified Coach in cadrul ICF(International Coach Federation). Apartenenta la ICF este o garantie a calitatii si a respectarii criteriilor etice si deontologice stabilite de aceasta organizatie, criterii care privesc atat coaching-ul individual si de lider, cat si coaching-ul de echipa de conducere si de intreprindere. Pe langa activitatea de formare de coach, Alain Cardon desfasoara, de asemenea, o activitate de cercetare si de aprofundare a practicii sistemice in domeniul coaching-ului de lider, de echipa de conducere si de intreprindere, materializata in publicarea unor articole si lucrari de specialitate. 
