Conectati-va afacerea la locatia clientilor ! ... prin platforma web LocoMe

BUCURESTI - 25 august 2009

Comunicat tip General in IT&C

LocoMe este un sistem inteligent si inovativ ce permite comunicarea interactiva intre telefoanele mobile si transmiterea de continut bazata pe locatia exacta si punctele de interes continuu actualizate.


Conectati-va afacerea la locatia clientilor !

De ce ar trebui ca Serviciile bazate pe Locatie sa fie trend-ul in comunicatiile mobile? Ce anume este de valoare in cunoasterea locatiei utilizatorilor de telefonie mobila si de ce companii precum Google, Nokia si chiar si Louis Vuitton, faimosul producator de articole de lux (care nu sunt direct legati de domeniul tele-informatiei), dezvolta aceste servicii?

Locatia este legatura lipsa in lantul retelelor de socializare, publicitate si de servicii, si in lantul continutului / informatiei distribuit/e catre utilizatori.

Din ce in ce mai multe telefoane mobile au posibilitatea de a identifica locatia in care se afla, opertatorii de telefonie ofera servicii de Internet din ce in ce mai ieftine, telefoanele mobile sunt mai sofisticate si ceea ce este cel mai important este faptul ca le avem in permanenta cu noi. La nivel global numarul aplicatiilor ce folosesc localizarea terminalelor mobile este in crestere continua; in Romania aceasta piata se afla in punctul de start.

In Bucuresti, Romania si Wroclaw, Polonia exista doua companii – RINF & LocoZone, care au dezvoltat impreuna o tehnologie noua pentru localizarea terminalelor mobile. Cel mai important este faptul ca aceasta tehnologie poate fi integrata in model de comunicare B2B, de catre majoritatea companiilor mici si mijlocii la un pret competitiv.

Platforma LocoMe detine doua functii cheie care o diferentiaza si ii ofera unicitate. Prima functie este „trimiterea de continut catre o zona”: utilizatorii aflati in acea zona primesc informatia in functie de profilul de preferinte pre-definit.

Cum se efectueaza practic trimiterea acestor mesaje? Spre exemplu, proprietarul unui magazin de calculatoare, doreste sa informeze publicul privind promotiile derulate. El trimite un mesaj catre toate persoanele aflate pe arie de 2 kilometrii in zona Universitatii Politehnice (nefiind nevoie ca sa ii cunoasca pe destinatari). Vor primii mesajul doar utilizatorii LocoMe interesati de achizitia de hardware.

Cea de a doua functie importanta este „persoane aflate in apropiere”. Este suficient sa instalati pe telefonul mobil aplicatia agent dedicata, care va cauta in mod automat locatia si va va informa privind noi evenimente din vecinatate. Aplicatia Agent (in prezent particularizata pentru Symbian, Windows Mobile, si in curand disponibila pentru: iPhone, Google Android si Blackberry) cauta in mod automat locatia folosind semnalul GPS sau BTS.

Spre exemplu: Lui Mihai, ii place sa mearga la concerte insa nu are timp sa caute intotdeuna informatii privind concertele din zona. I-ar placea sa fie informat privind concerte / petereceri, din zona, indiferent unde merge. El seteaza in profil aceasta preferinta si din acel moment aplicatia de pe telefonul mobil il informeaza permanent privind noi concerte / petreceri.

Pentru versatilitate, sistemul poate fi utilizat si via PC sau laptop (prin accesarea unui portal sau website mobil) si setarea manuala a locatiei.

Rolul RINF Romania este e a adapta aceasta tehnologie la cerintele concrete ale clientilor business, sub marca clientului sau sub marca LocoMe. Clientul poate astfel sa-si extinda paleta de servicii si sa ofere noi posibilitati clientilor sai. Solutia LocoMe este destinata prioritar catre portaluri, companiile de telecomunicatii, autoritatilor publice, companiile de marketing si publicitate directa/online, serviciilor de achizitii (ex. online marketplace) de social-networking, si matrimoniale.

Formula de tipul B2B2C garanteaza un cost redus de integrare a tehnologiei, un risc redus si posibilitatea de a genera venituri printr-un canal nou de comunicare. In acelasi timp, clientii beneficiaza de o tehnologie avansata fara restrictii de achizitie.

Octavian Vlad
Manager Proiecte Software
Mobil: 004 0757 909 010||


Connect your business to the location !

Why should Location-Based Services be the trend of the mobile world? What’s behind the knowledge concerning the location of the mobile’s user and why do such companies as Google, Nokia or even Louis Vuitton, the manufacturer of luxury clothing (not connected directly with the tele-information branch), develop these services?

Location is the missing link in the chain of social, service and advertising networks, and in the chain of contents distributed by people.

There is an increasing number of mobiles possessing the possibility of downloading the location; mobile network operators offer cheaper and cheaper Internet packs and mobiles are equipped with more and more functions and, what is more, they are with us all the time, non-stop. In the world the number of applications using the location of the mobile grows systematically; in Romanian it’s yet an emerging market.

In Bucharest, Romania and Wroclaw, Poland there are RINF & LocoZone, two companies which worked out location technology for mobile devices. What is the most important is the fact that this technology can be integrated in B2B model by the majority of small and medium enterprises at a competitive price.

LocoMe platform possesses two key functions which differentiate this solution from the other solutions of this sort in the world. The first of the functions is ‘sending the contents to the area: people at a given location receive information on the basis of the pre-defined interest profile.
How does sending messages look in practice? The owner of a computer shop wants to inform people about promotion of his products. He sends a message to people being within a radius of 2 kilometres from the Technical University (he doesn’t need to know them). The recipients are only the people who are interested in purchasing hardware and have put such information in their interest profile.
The other function worth mentioning is the ‘now in the vicinity’ function. It suffices to install on the mobile a dedicated mobile application that will automatically check the location and inform you about new events in the vicinity. Authorial application on mobile devices (currently serving the following systems: Symbian, Windows Mobile, next: iPhone, Google Android, Blackberry) automatically checks the location thanks to GPS or BTS signal.

For instance: John Smith often goes to concerts but he’s short of time to permanently search for information about concerts. He would like to be informed about music events, regardless of the location he’s currently at. He sets in the profile that he is interested in such information and from this moment on the application on his mobile automatically informs him about new concerts.

The system can be used also via PCs and laptops (by means of www or a mobile website), setting the location manually.

The role of RINF Romania is to adapt the authorial technology to concrete needs of a business client, under his own brand or under LocoMe brand. This enables the client to expand the range of services and to offer his clients new possibilities. The solution is directed to tele-communication companies, public bodies, entities operating in the scope of marketing and advertising, portals, purchase, social and dating services.

This formula of B2B2C model guarantees low costs of technology integration, slight investment risk and a possibility for generating revenues from the additional source. At the same time the client is provided with advanced technology and low barriers to entry.

Octavian Vlad
Software Projects Manager
Mobile: 004 0757 909 010||

Despre RINF Outsourcing Solutions SRL

Prin reteaua extinsa in Europa Centrala si de Est, RINF ofera servicii inovative in domeniul IT&C la nivel regional si international.

Specialistii nostrii localizati in Romania, Polonia, Cehia, Slovacia si Germania, detin know-how in tehnologii si domenii diverse. Proiectele complexe si cele ce necesita un grad inalt de particularizare a solutiilor reprezinta referinta calitatii serviciilor noastre.

RINF va sta intotdeuna la dispozitie cu o arie larga de servicii, cuprinzand:

- Dezvoltari la cheie si conceptie de solutii software;
- Servicii de Consultanta si Analiza (inclusiv pre sau post-proiect) ;
- Implementari de solutii pentru Telecom, Web, Banking, Retail;
- IT&C Projects Staffing;
- Servicii continue de Suport si Administrare.
Octavian Vlad

Manager Proiecte Software
Mobil: 004 0757 909 010

RINF Romania

Calea Floreasca 169A, Bucharest Floreasca Plaza, Intrarea A, Etaj 4,
Sector 1 , Bucuresti – Romania||
